I finally got the Donation button working. If you would like the sheet music for There Is A God by Stream of Praise as played by me, I’m going to use the Donation system. Following your donation I will email you the PDF copy signed by me. On the donation screen there’s a text field called “Write a note”, do leave me a quick note that the donation is for the sheet music.
I am also planning on writing down the music for my future piano arrangements. Please leave me a comment down below to let me know if there’s a general interest in sheet music for these arrangements.
I know it’s tempting to share the PDF with the world. But I’m hoping that you can help support me for the time and effort to write down the music and for working on future transcriptions. $2/ea should be very affordable. Larger donations (>=$10) are always welcome, and I will have a dedicated section on this site to display your name and link to your site (if applicable) as my way of saying THANK YOU.
我知道與世界分享這個PDF很誘人。但我希望您能在我的時間和精力上寫下音樂並為將來的錄音工作提供幫助。$2 加元應該是非常實惠的。總是歡迎更大的捐款(>=$10),我將在此站點上專門顯示您的姓名和鏈接到您的站點(如果適用),以表達我的感謝。