Akuma no Ko, from Attack on Titan, music by Ai Higuchi, piano arranged by Animenz, played by Richard Yang on Yamaha N1X with Garritan CFX VST.
Suffice to say, Attack on Titan offers the best anime music! Looking back on my AoT releases, Ashes on the Fire, Call of Silence, YouSeeBIGGIRL, Bauklötze, Vogel im Kafig, these are all touch notch compositions, and of course we got the definitive arrangements by Animenz. At least among these, Akuma no Ko should be the easiest one that can serve as a good starter piece. Although it’s not hard to learn, it will take some practice to allow for a successful execution since there are a few very tricky jumps. My goal is to eventually finish learning the remaining AoT arrangements by Animenz.
As with all of my performances, I have my own interpretation, so the tempo, dynamics, etc may feel quite different from the original recording. Simply put, I play the way I like it.