Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari, from Bakemonogatari, music by Ryo, piano arranged by Animenz, played by Richard Yang on Yamaha N1X with Garritan CFX VST.
Thanks to the channel subscriber who recommended this piece in the Comments section. This is now one of my personal favorites. I always love these arrangements that tell a story (i.e. Sincerely, The Everlasting Guilty Crown, etc). I would not have discovered this myself just because the name of the piece does not make any sense to me. The overall difficulty is roughly similar to Sincerely, which is great as it allows me to enjoy playing the piece without being too stressed about crazy difficult passages. As a reference, I recorded this on Day 5. You can still find my sight reading video of this on my channel.
As with all of my performances, I have my own interpretation, so the tempo, dynamics, etc may feel quite different from the original recording. Simply put, I play the way I like it.