Moonlight Densetsu, from Sailor Moon, music by Tetsuya Komoro, piano arranged by Animenz, played by Richard Yang on Yamaha N1X with Garritan CFX VST.
This is the shortest Animenz arrangement I’ve recorded to date. It feels a lot like some sort of Tango music. 0:50 is my favorite part by the way. Although short, it’s quite demanding of finger dexerity and accurate octave jumps. I had a tough time trying to place this in my Animenz playlist (sorted by difficulty). It ended up pretty low on the list only because it’s really short; whatever difficult stuff there is, at least it doesn’t last very long.
As with all of my performances, I have my own interpretation, so the tempo, dynamics, etc may feel quite different from the original recording. Simply put, I play the way I like it.