My War (Boku no Sensou), from Attack on Titan, music by Noko, piano arranged by Animenz, played by Richard Yang on Yamaha N1X with Garritan CFX VST.
Other than me wanting to eventually record all of Animenz’s Attack on Titan arrangements, the other reason for learning this piece is that 1-5-5-5-5 catchy tune, which just sounds so cool and bad ass for some reason. This piece can be considered an Etude on jumps of all kinds. When you master piano, the location of the keys will no longer be just a visual thing but it will become more “spatial”, as you can actually feel where the keys should be without always having to look. If you have to intently “find” the key to play, this will be extremely difficult.
As with all of my performances, I have my own interpretation, so the tempo, dynamics, etc may feel quite different from the original recording. Simply put, I play the way I like it.